One hashtag and, the post can earn 12.6% more engagement than the one without a hashtag.
So think, what the list of relevant and trendiest hashtags can do with the post?
Yes, adding right hashtags can open the gate to reach thousands of new eyes, and hence can turn 100+ followers accounts into 100,000+ one without loosing the pocket in buying fake followers or likes.
Wait! Don't think that just by adding some random hashtags, can win this battle. The thing is not that easy either. To get a desirable result, one has to do hashtag research, collect it, and then go for achieving a star performer post.
This post is all set to focus on grabbing the golden tips, one should remember before starting their research for hashtags.
So let's get started!
Tips to do Hashtag research.
Chase the most popular posts of your niche.
If you are in an industry, probably know who the real Instagram competitors are. If yes, then the only work that needs to be done, find those competitors on Instagram and then start analyzing the hashtags used by them in their posts.
While going through the analytic process, make a list of hashtags used by them in a particular post and then try to optimize it according to the need.
Now, to find those popular posts, you can:
- Follow trending hashtags in your niche, it will allow you to meet popular posts under that hashtag. After following a particular hashtag, an option is provided to get the list of related hashtags. By following them, you can also get notification of popular posts related to that.
- Google the blogs and articles of the famous influencers in your niche. There you can get a lot of relatable and trending hashtags, which can be used in related Instagram stories and posts.
- Refine the best hashtags by segregating lousy ones from it.
After accumulating the hashtags, it's time to pick the best ones from the list. It is because not every hashtag of your industry can work for your brand. So try to enlist them, based on hottest and trending ones, by eliminating the old trending ones from the list. Also, try to remove those that are not related to targeting your audience.
How can we make the best use of Hashtags?
Instagram allows its users to add ten hashtags in a story and 30 on a usual post. And, if one will cross the limit, Instagram will not permit to post the caption or comments.
So, 30 and 10 are the limits set up by Instagram, but it doesn't mean one should use all the voids.
Although the limit of hashtags is not decided for any brand or industry, on an average, using between 1 to 3 is quite preferable.
- Hide hashtags in comment sections and captions too.
Instagram is a place well known for clean, beautiful, eye-popping, and appealing visuals. In such a platform, if one floods the caption with a lot of hashtags, the viewer will probably quit before going through it.
Hence, if you want a decent looking caption and good looking post, you should try to add hashtags by hiding it on:
- The comment section, and
- Captions
- Try camouflaging hashtags in story.
To represent the neat and tidy post on Instagram, you can add hashtags on the comment section, but for its stories.
Well, you can covertly add hashtags in Insta stories also by mixing hashtags of the same color as of its background or by covering them with a sticker.
Wrapping Words:
Hashtag research is one of the foremost strategies which must not be ignored by the persons who want to make their empire on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media tool.
Hence it must not be ignored.
Hope the above article will help in doing so, and let give a great start.